Supreme Court Cautions Trial Attorneys

The State Supreme Court has told Missouri lawyers they better shoot straight when they advertise their services. You’ve seen or heard the ads – I’ve settled IRS claims for pennies on the dollar. Been hurt in a car wreck? Call me. I get cash...

Condemned Man Asks for Execution Delay

Lawyers for prison inmate Timothy Johnston have asked the State Supreme Court to delay the convicted killer’s scheduled execution until the man’s federal lawsuit has been resolved. Johnston’s federal lawsuit says lethal injection would cause him to...

Supreme Court Sets Execution Date for 1989 Killing

The State Supreme Court has set an August 31st execution date for Timothy Johnston, who was sentenced to die for the beating death of his wife, Nancy. It happened the night of June 30th, 1989. Police responded to an emergency call to the couple’s St. Louis home...

Conceal and Carry Fix Signed Into Law

Missouri’s conceal and carry gun law has been fixed.Governor Blunt has signed legislation that addresses the State Supreme Court’s concerns about how the law would be funded. The court upheld the law, but found fault with its funding mechanism, ruling it...