by admin | Sep 18, 2006 | Crime / Courts, Politics / Govt
One argument being made in the State Supreme Court consideration of strip club regulations made by the legislature last year claims the regulations infringe on First Amendment rights. But the lawyer making the argument believes it could be an issue never addressed....
by admin | Sep 17, 2006 | Crime / Courts
This is the day that schools are under federal orders to teach students about the United States Constitution and the law. But Missouri’s top state judge says today isn’t enough. Chief Justice Michael Wolff says Constitution Day will help children...
by admin | Sep 15, 2006 | Politics / Govt
A ruling striking down the Voter Photo ID law will be appealed. Senator Delbert Scott (R-Lowry City), the sponsor of the bill during this year’s legislative session, says the case hasn’t ended with the ruling handed down by Cole County Circuit Judge...
by admin | Sep 6, 2006 | Politics / Govt
A Jefferson City judge will weigh the evidence and the arguments made in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the state’s new requirement that voters display photo identification in order to cast a ballot. Cole County Circuit Judge Richard Callahan combined...
by admin | Sep 5, 2006 | Crime / Courts
The group spearheading two proposed initiatives intended for the November ballot have given up their legal challenge. Missourians in Charge is the group behind an eminent domain initiative and one to limit the growth of state government spending. Both were rejected by...