Supreme Court rules on Planned Parenthood Case

A unanimous State Supreme Court has sent back a case challenging the right of Planned Parenthood to get state family planning money. In returning the case to Cole County Circuit Court, the Supreme Court insists Attorney General Jay Nixon choose sides. While...

Abortion rears its head again

There are arguments on both sides of the latest attempt to change the language of Missouri’s laws governing abortion. A bill introduced in the Senate would require a doctor to inform a woman wanting an abortion of studies showing a possible link between abortion...

Abortion ruling still in question

A state supreme court ruling has done little to clarify whether Planned Parenthood can be excluded from receiving state family planning money. The court has vacated a lower court ruling that found the legislature could restrict the money, but also returned the case to...

Taking sides over the abortion pill

Opponents of the new abortion pill vow to continue fighting its release. The FDA approved RU-486 for use in the U-S yesterday. Father Pat Rush, Vicker-General of the diocese of Kansas City/St. Joseph, calls the pill “drug warfare” on the unborn. Rush says...

Abortion debate reaches supreme court

A special attorney general argues before the State Supreme Court that the legislature acted within its rights in denying funding to Planned Parenthood. And Jordan Cherrick defends the method used. The legislature wrote language in the budget bill effectively shutting...