Deer and turkey hunting dates have been set by the Missouri Department of Conservation for the 2025-26 seasons. 2025 Spring and Fall Turkey Hunting Dates: Spring Youth Portion: April 12-13 Regular Spring Turkey Season: April 21 through May 11 Fall Archery Turkey...
Fewer deer were bagged by young hunters during the second half of Missouri’s youth firearm season compared to the same period a year ago. Part two of youth firearm season took place from Black Friday, Nov. 29th, through Sunday, Dec. 1st, during which hunters...
The Missouri Department of Conservation sampled and tested more than 37,000 deer for chronic wasting disease from this past July through April. Out of the 37,000 deer, 162 tested positive. Deb Hudman is the Wildlife Health Program Supervisor at Conservation, and she...
It was a good weekend for deer hunters in Missouri. The Missouri Department of Conservation said in a press release that 90,334 deer were harvested Saturday and Sunday, the opening weekend of November’s firearm deer season. That number is less than last year’s opening...
Governor Jay Nixon (D) has vetoed two agriculture omnibus bills because they contain language that would transfer regulatory control of captive deer to the Department of Agriculture. The sponsors of those bills say those vetoes will be easy overrides in September....