The Missouri Supreme Court has ruled that an effort to block a new gun law can get another day in circuit court.

Missouri Judge George Draper takes notes during a case argument. Draper wrote the decision in the SAPA ruling released on April 26th. (file photo: Beth Riggert, Missouri Supreme Court)

In a 6-1 decision, the high court has given St. Louis, St. Louis County and Jackson County another chance to argue against the Second Amendment Preservation Act. They are challenging the constitutionality of the 2021 state law, which disregards federal gun laws and penalizes state and local law enforcement agencies if they cooperate with federal enforcement of those laws.

Read previous story, background of case.

The state Supreme Court reversed a Cole County judgment that agreed with the Missouri Attorney General’s office. The state argued that the city and counties challenging the law had a “remedy” to test its constitutionality by pending cases in the courts. Most of the judges disagreed and the case now goes back to Cole County Circuit Court for another hearing- this time to hear the constitutional side of the case.

Read the decision

