Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R-MO) delivers the Republican Party response to Governor Nixon’s State of the State Address, criticizing the new Governor for making and proposing cuts. Kinder’s first attack went after Nixon for trimming $23-million from the Department of Economic Development for the current fiscal year.

Kinder then went after the Governor, saying he is withholding $24-million from the Department of Mental Health and $33-million from higher education, saying that while Nixon pledges to keep funding for higher education at its current levels, he is withholding appropriations from the current fiscal year budget. The Governor’s office rejects such claims.

Kinder then criticized Nixon over anticipation of federal stimulus dollars. Says Kinder: "A budget based on a one time bailout is no long-term plan." Kinder adds, however, that every single federal dollar that is pumped into Missouri will be used.

Download/Listen: Lieutenant Governor Peter KInder’s response to Nixon State of the State (10:00 MP3)
