There was a time when Chris Koster was the likely Republican nominee for Attorney General. Time, politics, Koster have changed. Koster’s defection to the Democratic Party opened the door for friend Michael Gibbons to become the Republican candidate. Both support the death penalty. Both believe judge should have flexibility in sentencing. Both favor expanding the no-call list. Both favor stepped up prosecutor for cyber crimes.

The big difference? Koster says he has been something Gibbons has not been. He has been a prosecuting attorney for ten years. Gibbons admits he has little courtroom time.

Gibbons does not favor campaign contribution limits. Koster, who accuses Gibbons of getting the largest single campaign donation in state history, thinks there should be a way to keep someone from getting 1.1-million dollars in one gift, but he’s not sure what kind of limits should be enacted.’

You can hear our entire Koster interview on Decision ’08 .


Download Bob Priddy’s story (:62 mp3)
