One of the more serious charges made in a lawsuit filed against the new Voter Photo ID law is that it seeks not to eliminate fraud, but to suppress Democrat votes. The accusation comes in the lawsuit filed by Attorney Don Downing, who has argued in court that the Republican majorities in the Senate and House as well as Governor Blunt’s office pushed for photo identification to suppress the black vote. Downing acknowledges it’s a charge difficult to prove in court. The threshold to prove purposeful discrimination is high. Downing claims that even if he can’t prove it in court, it is a fact. It’s a claim vigorously denied by Attorney Thor Hearne, who represents the sponsor of the law, Senator Delbert Scott (R-Lowry City). Hearne says it’s an argument that Judge Richard Callahan has been reluctant to embrace. In fact, Hearne says the judge has indicated he will reject the argument. Both sides are awaiting a ruling from circuit court, with the losing side sure to appeal the case to the State Supreme Court.
