The future of an alternative fuel could hold the future for some Missouri farmers. Proponents of biodiesel, the fuel that many times is made from soybean oil, say it is a renewable, non-toxic alternative to fossil-based fuels that are too many times imported from the Middle East. And they want to see more people using it. John Kleiboeker with the Missouri Soybean Association says 30 percent of Missouri soybean farmers are using biodiesel in their equipment. He would like to see that increase to 50 percent next year until finally all farmers are using the soybean-based fuel. But, Kleiboeker admits they would like to see biodiesel in the largest diesel market – over-the-road trucking. He believes it will happen, it just might take some time. Kleiboeker says increased demand could translate into higher prices farmers get for a bushel of soybeans, possibly anywhere from 15 to 85 cents more a bushel.
