Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt says abandoned buildings are hot beds for crime. At the State Fair in Sedalia, Schmitt tells Missourinet his office will soon be doing something about the vacant sites.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt

“Abandoned buildings are a problem, in that if you have a number of abandoned buildings on your street the crime rate doubles. As an office, later next month in a partnership, we’re going to help. We’re going to help tear down some abandoned buildings – we’re going to volunteer our time,” he says.

Schmitt, a Republican, says the effort is one way to lower Missouri’s crime rate.

“It’s a big problem. It’s an issue in Kansas City too. There’s a lot of criminal activity taking place (in abandoned buildings). If we can tear them down, the community is better for it,” says Schmitt.

St. Louis and Kansas City are considered two of the most dangerous cities in America based on violent crime rates.

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