Now don’t go making your Super Bowl plans for the Rams just yet, but as they enter season two of the Jeff Fisher era, there is a new energy from the players and expectations are higher coming into this camp.  Linebacker James Laurinaitis said he could see a big difference already in the number one offense with speed and multiple looks. The middle linebacker said he can’t wait for Bradford to start slinging it around like he did at Oklahoma.

Now it looks like he has some options at wide receiver.  While they are young, if they live up to expectations, this could be a completely differently looking offense that what we’ve seen.  With the departure of Steven Jackson, more responsibility lies on the shoulder of Bradford and he’s ready to step up his leadership role

On defense, with leaders like James and Chris Long, along with rookie Alex Ogletree, the defense will be solid again. Once the laughing stock of the NFL, this formidable group will only get better and with the addition of Wil Witherspoon, we’ll talk about why that was a great move.

Mike Reeves, who covers the Rams for us at Missourinet spends a few moments with us to share his observations from the first day of camp.
