Governor Jay Nixon has vetoed legislation that would have repealed a tax credit for low-income seniors who rent their homes. The legislation was built into the budget proposal the legislature sent to the Governor last week.

Governor Jay Nixon

Governor Jay Nixon

House and Senate budget leaders say the Governor had initially supported cutting that credit because he built it into his budget proposal, and said his staff including Budget Director Linda Luebbering testified for the bill in legislative committee hearings.

When he said he would veto the bill unless it was part of a more comprehensive tax credit reform package, legislators decided to move forward with it in the budget. They tied funding the elimination would have created to the First Steps program, which benefits an estimated 20-thousand developmentally disabled children.

In his veto message, Nixon said the legislation did not constitute “comprehensive tax credit reform,” and called on lawmakers to protect funding for First Steps.

The legislation is SB 350.
