Several news outlets are reporting that Mizzou men’s basketball coach Frank Haith’s motion has been denied by the NCAA’s Committee on Infractions to dismiss the case pending against him and three of his assistants while at the University of Miami.  All four coaches filed the requests, citing the organization’s admission of misconduct in its own investigation of the Miami case.

Haith has been accused of failure to monitor by the NCAA. According to the NCAA, Haith failed to alert the Miami athletic department after booster Nevin Shapiro threatened to claim he had paid a recruit unless Haith or assistant Hake Morton provided money to Shapiro.

An internal review of the NCAA’s investigation process revealed mistakes made by the governing body into how they collected evidence for the case. That prompted Haith and the assistants to file their motion for dismissal.

A hearing is expected to take place in mid-June, at which time, Haith and the others will be able to defend themselves.  Haith can also file one more motion to dismiss.

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