The Arlington Cemetery Scandal is going beyond an investigation by Senator McCaskill’s Senate subcommittee on government contracting. McCaskill has heard from a top army procurement officer, Edward Herringon, that questions raised about the awarding of contracts for computer record-keeping at Arlington has become a criminal matter.

She acknowledges all allegations of fraud are just allegations. “We’ve got the whole bouquet…waste..abuse..and fraud. We’ve got the trifecta,” she says.

McCaskill says she’s unimpressed by testimony from the former Arlington Cemetery Superintendent John Metzler. The former deputy superintendent refused to answer questions about contracting for computer record-keeping of burials cited constitutional protections against self-incrimination and was excused from testifying after answering general questions.

(The second panel to appear before her committee was made up of Edward Herrington, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for procurement; Claudie Tornblu, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Management and Budget; and Kathryn Condon, Executive Director of the Army National Cemeteries Program. 

Excerpt from committee hearing 23:27 mp3
