The circuit court phase of the school funding lawsuit is all but over after a hearing on the plaintiffs’ claim that the state is not meeting its constitutional requirement that at least 25 percent of state revenues be spent on public schools.

Cole County Circuit Judge Richard Callahan, who had previously rejected the plaintiffs’ claim that the funding formula is unequal and inadequate, is expected to rule early next month on this final aspect of the case.

At issue is whether all monies received by the state should be considered as "revenues."  Plaintiffs’ attorney Alex Bartlett says they should count. But Marty Drewel, Deputy Director of the Division of Budget & Planning, says any dollars repaid or refunded cannot be considered "revenues."

Once this final ruling is in, representatives of more than 200 school districts will sit down with Bartlett and decide whether to appeal all or any part of this case to the State Supreme Court. 

Download/Listen: Steve Walsh report (:60 MP3)
