Missouri’s method of funding public schools is constitutional. So says Cole County Circuit Judge Richard Callahan, the judge presiding over a lawsuit challenging the funding formula.

At issue were the questions of adequacy and equitability. The judge has rejected claims the state is failing to provide an adequate education to students throughout the state.

Plaintiffs’ attorney Alex Bartlett, representing more than 200 school districts, is disappointed. He says the adequacy finding was based on a requirement that the state spend at least 25 percent of revenues on education – even though Bartlett doesn’t think the 25 percent threshold guarantees adequate funding.

The court did not dispute state claims dealing with equity. A hearing will be held September 20th to discuss whether the state is, indeed, putting at least 25 percent of its revenues into public schools. Bartlett says he would recommend his clients appeal this ruling.

Download/Listen: Plaintiffs’ Attorney Alex Bartlett (:22 MP3)
