He’s been shut out of most of the debates and he hasn’t gotten the publicity the major candidates have gotten, but he believes the increasingly negative tone of the race between Republican incumbent Senator Jim Talent and Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill gives him an opportunity. Libertarian Frank Gilmour says he believes voters are fed up with both Republicans and Democrats…at least, he hopes they are. Gilmour says he offers an alternative for those who don’t like either Jim Talent or Claire McCaskill or those who have been turned off by the accusations flying back and forth. Gilmour says he believes there are Republicans and Democrats who are embarrassed by their political parties. Gilmour claims he has seen public opinion polls that give him six percent of the vote. He says that is significant. But more significant in his eyes are the increasingly harsh advertising campaigns from Republicans pushing Talent and Democrats pushing McCaskill. Gilmour believes the negative campaign advertising will turn voters off and prompt them to seek alternatives, such as the Libertarian Party. Gilmour says voters recognize that both Republicans and Democrats make promises the nation can’t afford. He says the federal government needs to cut back on spending, first to eliminate the deficit and then to trim the national debt.

Related web sites:
Missouri Libertarian Party
