State Auditor Claire McCaskill looks to the next two years of her term, with some uncertainty, except for one thing. McCaskill chased Matt Blunt across the finish line in the Governor’s race last month. She says she’s over the loss, but some members of her family – particularly her husband – carry scars from the personal attacks during the campaign. She says she was able to take it better than other family members because she’s been through campaigns before. She’s already decided to run for re-election in 2006. She thinks it’s a mistake to look beyond that. McCaskill admits a little trepidation about how the Blunt Republican Administration will consider her audits. But she says she’ll do them the same critical way she has audited the democrat adminsitrationsof Mel Carnahan and Bob Holden. She says many of her auditors are long-time employees who worked for her Republican predecessor, Margaret Kelly, and the Republican Auditor before her – Jim Antonio. She says one of her jobs is to shield her staff from politics so it can do its job – for, she hopes, another six years.
