The legislature has sent Governor Jay Nixon (D) a proposed $620-million a year cut to income taxes, and Republicans are considering whether enough votes to override a veto are in reach. Nixon has 15 days to act on the bill (SB 509). He could sign it, allow it to...
11 of the so-called “flimsy 15” stood with House Republican Leaders in an apparent show of caucus solidarity ahead of debate, and likely a vote on, Senate tax cut legislation this afternoon. The House has taken up Senator Will Kraus’ (R-Lee’s...
Gov. Jay Nixon says he’s working with legislators to pass a bill that cuts taxes for working Missourians. Nixon vetoed a tax-cut measure last year, saying it would have imperiled funding for K-12 education. The legislature failed to override that veto when two...
A Senate Committee has endorsed two proposals for a tax cut for individuals and small businesses that legislative staffers say would cost the state about $900-million a year if fully implemented. The two bills would reduce personal income taxes from 6 to 5 percent...
The Revenue Department can no longer scan personal documents from applicants for drivers’ and non-driver’s licenses, under a bill signed into law by Governor Jay Nixon. Senate Bill 252 also orders the Department to by the end of this year purge its...