Lieberman mourns Carnahan

Vice-presidential candidate Joe Lieberman says he’s saddened by the loss of his friend Mel Carnhanan, whom he calls a great governor. He says he especially feels for First Lady Jean Carnahan. Lieberman calls her “extraordinarily strong and decent.”...

MO attracting campaigns like flies

Expect more visits to Missouri by the national political party tickets. Missouri Democratic Party Executive Director Roy Temple predicts both the Gore/Lieberman and Bush/Cheney tickets will visit the state often in the waning weeks of this campaign. While he admits he...

Babies belong in cribs, research says

New research out of St. Louis identifies the most dangerous places to let babies sleep. Washington University professor Brad Thach studied more than 100 infant deaths between 1994 and 1997, along with the lead researchers at St. Louis University. Thach says 75% of the...

Wash U caught in debate debate

The major presidential candidates don’t seem too interested in a debate schedule recommended in January by the Commission on Presidential Debates. And that leaves schools like Washington University in the lurch. The Commission has proposed a Presidential debate...

Washington U to host debate

Washington University will be a presidential debate site for the third election in a row. University chancellor Mark Wrighton says 1992 established the University as a good place for those events. Washington University was to be the site of the first debate in 1996...