by admin | Sep 9, 2003 | Health / Medicine
The federal government is countering threats of possible bioterrorism with a $35-Million grant to set up a Midwest Biodefense Research Center, headquartered at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The main mission of the Center will be to support...
by admin | Jul 17, 2003 | Politics / Govt
The Dean of the Law School at Washington University in St. Louis is pumping up a trial balloon for a possible run against Senator Christopher Bond. Dean Joel Seligman says Bond is linked to Bush Administration practices that have increased budget deficits and cost...
by admin | Jul 4, 2003 | Health / Medicine
A study conducted at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis predicts smokers might significantly reduce the adverse health effects of their habit if they could switch from cigarettes to inhalers that deliver doses of what is called “clean...
by admin | Apr 25, 2003 | Health / Medicine
A Missouri school is part of what some have called one of the biggest “breakthroughs of the decade” in cardiac medicine. The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new method of coating arterial stents used in angioplasty with a drug to prevent scar...
by admin | Apr 15, 2003 | Health / Medicine
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, joined by scientists from other institutions around the country, announced this week they’ve completed the Human Genome Project that was started in 1988. Doctor Richad Wilson, who heads up the...