by admin | Sep 3, 2004 | Transportation
Tonight marks the start of the long Labor Day holiday weekend. Later today, Missouri’s roads will be filling up with travelers trying to take advantage of the unofficial last weekend of the summer. Highway Patrol spokesman Lieutenant Tim Hull says the increased...
by admin | Sep 1, 2004 | Transportation
We’re seeing them more and more often as we travel Missouri; signs designating a stretch of road to someone, even if it’s somebody you’ve never heard of. Daniel Boone has one. Laura Ingalls Wildler has one. George Washington Carver and Mark Twain...
by admin | Dec 17, 2003 | News
A study of travel in Missouri shows vacationers are staying closer to home and so are business travelers. For tourism businesses that cater to vacationers, that’s good news. For those that cater to business travelers, the new is not so good. State Tourism...
by admin | Jul 23, 2003 | News
Tourism travel in Missouri is up slightly more than three percent this year, according to the State Division of Tourism. Tourism Director John Robinson says tourism heated up along with the weather, which follows a national trend to shift the start of summer vacation...
by admin | Jul 2, 2001 | News
The state’s roads are ready to fill up with holiday travelers and AAA Missouri is offering some advice to those hitting the road. First and foremost, the auto club advises drivers to make sure their vehicles are roadworthy. AAA Missouri also suggests everyone...