House Targets Juvenile Smoking

It would be much harder for teen-agers to “light up” if a bill passing the House makes it through the legislative session this year. Stores selling cigarettes are targeted by the bill sponsored by Representative Thomas Hoppe of Kansas City. The bill would...

Senate Race Clouds Tobacco Debate

A discussion in the Missouri House on placing money from the national tobacco settlement into a trust fund boils over into a rancorous debate about which US Senatorial candidate might benefit from the issue. Republicans want the issue of how to spend the billions...

Legislature Moves to Curb Teen Smoking

How best to keep cigarettes out of the hands and mouths of children becomes a major issue in the Missouri House. Missouri has so many minors who smoke nearly $10-Million in federal funding has been placed in jeopardy, but deep divisions develop on a bill to crack down...

Tension Within House Remains

Democrats and Republicans remain at odds in the Missouri House. Republicans angry that Democrats cut off the tobacco bill debate a month ago have slowed work ever since. Their anger boiled over last week during a lengthy night session when Speaker Steve Gaw accepted a...

Tobacco compromise sought by Senate

The search for compromise on ways to spend money Missouri might get from the tobacco settlement will begin soon in the state Senate. An estimated 6.7-billion dollars paid during the next 25 years is coveted by several interests. A vote in the House so controversial it...