DNA Test Ordered For Prisoner Facing Execution

The way has been cleared for DNA tests that could clear a prison inmate facing execution – or confirm that he did beat his estranged wife to death more than 14 years ago. The State Supreme Court has ordered the DNA test. DNA was used to convict Brian Kinder, but...

Missouri Murder Case Moves To U.S. Supreme Court

A Missouri murder case reaches the United States Supreme Court today, but the double murder of Jim and Zelma Long of DeSoto in 1996 is not the issue. The issue is whether it it constitutional to make prisoners wear shackles that a jury can see during the hearing in...

White Delivers State Of Judiciary Speech

State Chief Justice Ronnie White says he sought to explain the judiciary to new lawmakers during the annual State of the Judiciary speech to a joint session of the General Assembly. White denies he tried to defend judges against accusations that they have become...