by admin | Oct 25, 2002 | Crime / Courts
The wrong guy has been released from the St. Louis City workhouse – the third time in the last eight months that the wrong inmate has been set free from the jail. The latest goof has let Jerome J. Jones Junior to leave. Actually, it was his father who should...
by admin | Sep 25, 2002 | Politics / Govt
The State Board of Mediation is in the midst of a two-day hearing in Jefferson City to address union allegations regarding the election that saw Corrections Department employees voting overwhelmingly to reject The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal...
by admin | Aug 27, 2002 | Crime / Courts
Missouri’s prison population is headed toward 30,000. The state has another 65,000 people in other forms of custody. State Corrections Director Gary Kempker says it seems to be a situation resulting from public sentiment. Kempker says it is part of the...
by admin | Aug 23, 2002 | Crime / Courts
A review by lawyers in the Attorney General’s office concludes a US Supreme Court ruling greatly restricting judge-imposed death sentences does not apply to Missouri. In the Ring case, the US Supreme Court found unconstitutional Arizona’s practice of...
by admin | Jul 31, 2002 | Crime / Courts
An investigation is on-going at the Department of Corrections into the theft of between 100 and 200 state license plate tabs from its Jefferson City facility. Police in Kansas City have arrested two people with 30 stolen tabs. Investigators there believe others are...