by Mike Lear | Feb 19, 2014 | Health / Medicine, News
A Republican plan for expansion and reform of Medicaid has been filed. Representative Noel Torpey (R-Independence) has filed the bill after chairing one of two House interim committees on Medicaid last summer. Torpey’s proposal takes a different approach from...
by Mike Lear | Aug 8, 2013 | News
The larger of the two House Committees studying Medicaid expansion and reform has one hearing left. Representative Noel Torpey (R-Independence) chairs the committee made of up citizens and legislators studying Medicaid eligibility and reform issues. He says the...
by Mike Lear | Jun 20, 2013 | News
The House Speaker wants your help in finalizing the membership of a committee that will weigh what the future of Medicaid in Missouri should be. Representative Tim Jones (R-Eureka) has announced two new groups to consider Medicaid reform and/or expansion. One of...
by Mike Lear | Jun 18, 2013 | News
Two Committees will be announced by the House Speaker this week that will look at Medicaid reform and expansion. The larger of the two will be made up of a mix of representatives and individuals from the private sector that will travel the state and gather information...
by Mike Lear | Feb 14, 2013 | News
The state House is one vote away from sending the Senate a voter photo ID bill and the change in the state constitution that would allow it to become law. House lawmakers’ emotions ran the gamut during hours of debate on Wednesday. Democrats say passing the...