Waiting game playing out in northeast Missouri

A tense waiting game is being played out in northeast Missouri. The Mississippi River, swollen from the heavy rains that saturated Iowa, laps up against temporary sandbag levees as residents desperately attempt to keep it from overflowing communities and farmland...

Governor Blunt visits flood stricken areas of state

Governor Matt Blunt (R-MO) has visited some of the flood-stricken areas of northeast Missouri, touting Hannibal and Canton. The region has been hit hard by the rising Mississippi River. During his visit, Blunt praised volunteers as well as local, state, and federal...

National Guard Mobilized to Deal With Aftermath of Ice Storm

Governor Matt Blunt (R-MO) has mobilized thirty members of the National Guard to help people in Cape Girardeau and Bollinger Counties recover from this week’s ice storm. Their main job will be going door to door to check on the residents of the areas. AmerenUE...