Some MoHELA projects once suspended back on track

Many college capital improvement projects put on hold have been given the go ahead by the Nixon Administration to move forward. Five public universities were told by the Nixon Administration that planned capital improvements on their campuses had to be put on hold....

Nixon defends suspension of MoHELA projects

Governor Nixon has defended his decision to cut off funding for capital improvement projects planned by five universities. Nixon made the defense during a news conference in Columbia, which took a big hit with the suspension of a $31 million expansion of the Ellis...

Tuition rises at MSU

The Missouri State University Board of Governors has approved a tuition increase for the 2008-2009 academic year – from $179 to $186 per credit hour for undergraduate students. That’s the rate for Missouri students. Out-of-state undergraduate fees will...

MSU Christmas Tree Controversy Settled

The tree came down, then it went back up. Now, a Christmas tree at the center of a Christmas controversy remains on the Springfield campus of Missouri State University along side a menorah. Missouri State has several Christmas trees on campus, but this particular tree...

Former MSU Prof Cannot Sue School

A federal judge says a former Missouri State University dance professor cannot sue the University because a suit against the school would be a suit against the state of Missouri. The judge says the U.S. Constitution says an individual cannot sue the state. The...