by admin | Dec 14, 2020 | Crime / Courts, News
A Missouri House committee will hear testimony Monday evening in Jefferson City on a proposed House resolution that declares that the House has no faith in presidential election results from six key states. State Rep. Justin Hill, R-Lake St. Louis, filed the...
by admin | Aug 11, 2020 | Crime / Courts, News
The top three Republican leaders in Missouri’s GOP-controlled House say they intend to simplify the process during the special session on violent crime, with single-subject bills. All Missouri House committee hearings originally scheduled for Wednesday and...
by admin | Apr 26, 2020 | Business, Education, Health / Medicine, News, Transportation
The 163-member Missouri House and its staff members will be encouraged to wear masks when they return to the Statehouse in Jefferson City on Monday. The House will gavel-in Monday at noon, and will be debating the budget. “We have supplied all members and staff...