by Alisa Nelson | Aug 25, 2021 | Education, Health / Medicine, News, Show Me Today
Missouri school nurses are heading into a second academic year of trying to stop the coronavirus at the school doors. The state has about 1600 school nurses among Missouri’s more than 500 K-12 public school districts – not every school or district has a school nurse...
by Alisa Nelson | Apr 12, 2021 | Education, Health / Medicine, News, Politics / Govt
Missouri’s K-12 schools are getting a big chunk of change in the latest federal coronavirus relief package. The U.S. Department of Education says $1.95 billion total has been designated for Missouri schools. The plan also includes funding for a program to increase...
by Alisa Nelson | Apr 5, 2021 | Education, Health / Medicine, News
Missouri children attending daycares, K-12 public schools, or public higher education schools might not be required to get vaccinated against certain illnesses – if they have a “conscientious belief” opposing the immunizations. State Representative Suzie...
by Alisa Nelson | Oct 12, 2020 | Education, Health / Medicine, News
Missouri’s school nurses are playing key roles during this COVID-19 day and age. The state has about 1600 school nurses among Missouri’s more than 500 K-12 public school districts. Linda Neumann, director of the Missouri Association of School Nurses, tells Missourinet...