by admin | Nov 5, 2003 | Uncategorized
It has become easier for consumers to judge the various home health agencies in Missouri. The Home Health Quality Initative in Missouri rates the agencies on 11 quality measures out of 41 the industry has been trackingsince 1999. The ratings are posted on the Medicare...
by admin | Oct 28, 2003 | Politics / Govt
Southeast Missouri Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson is again talking up the benefits of having the Food and Drug Administration allow for the reimportation of prescription drugs from Canada and other countries in which the drugs are sold for a fraction of the prices they...
by admin | Sep 2, 2003 | Health / Medicine
Members of Congress will soon be back on Capitol Hill trying to iron out their differences on a Medicare prescription drug bill that can be sent to President Bush. A Missouri group is expressing its opposition to the legislation. The Medicare drug bill aims to help...
by admin | Aug 28, 2003 | Politics / Govt
The U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging has taken its operations on the road – to St. Louis – to get some input from Missouri senior citizens on federal lawmakers’ efforts to strengthen Medicare and pass a prescription drug benefit plan. Senator...
by admin | Nov 21, 2002 | Crime / Courts
Two St. Louis hospitals are accused of wrongfully billing the federal government for Medicare reimbursements. The Justice Department is suing Barnes-Jewish hospital and St.Louiis University Hospital, saying they billed Medicare for more than 200 procedures not...