by Mike Lear | Oct 15, 2013 | Health / Medicine, News
A House Committee working to create a plan for Missouri to expand and reform Medicaid spent much of its latest hearing talking about mental health. Chairman Jay Barnes (R-Jefferson City) says the testimony of mental health professionals shows the state can save money...
by Mike Lear | Aug 8, 2013 | News
The larger of the two House Committees studying Medicaid expansion and reform has one hearing left. Representative Noel Torpey (R-Independence) chairs the committee made of up citizens and legislators studying Medicaid eligibility and reform issues. He says the...
by Mike Lear | Jun 7, 2013 | News
Governor Jay Nixon says a study by the RAND Corporation is further evidence Missouri needs to accept Medicaid expansion under the federal healthcare reform plan. The study looked at 14 states that were considered the least likely to accept Medicaid expansion and found...
by Mike Lear | May 21, 2013 | News
The leaders of the two major parties in the House have opposite assessments of the 2013 legislative session. Missouri’s Speaker of the House, Tim Jones (R-Eureka), calls the legislative session “historic,” and a success. “We wanted to do more...
by Mike Lear | May 20, 2013 | Health / Medicine, News
The discussion of the future of Medicaid in Missouri has likely not ended with the close of the legislative session. The General Assembly has approved legislation that would create at House-Senate Committee to study Medicaid reform in the interim. The idea was...