by Mike Lear | Feb 26, 2013 | News, Politics / Govt
A House Republican plan to change Medicaid in Missouri into a more “market-based” system has been unveiled. GOP lawmakers have been developing it since December as an alternative to Medicaid eligibility expansion, as backed by Governor Jay Nixon....
by Mike Lear | Feb 26, 2013 | Health / Medicine, News
A House budget subcommittee has rejected including federal money for Medicaid expansion in the budgets for the Departments of Mental Health, Social Services and Health and Senior Services. Representative Judy Morgan (D-Kansas City) proposed a return to Governor Jay...
by Mike Lear | Feb 15, 2013 | News
The House Budget Committee Chairman has filed a proposed budget that takes out the Governor’s proposal for Medicaid expansion. Republicans oppose using federal dollars to expand Medicaid eligibility saying federal budget makers might not follow-through on a...
by Mike Lear | Feb 1, 2013 | Health / Medicine, News
The Director of the state’s Mental Health Department says there are several ways Missouri can improve mental health care, but says meaningful improvement will be difficult without Medicaid expansion. Keith Schafer says one of the big problems with behavioral...
by Mike Lear | Jan 30, 2013 | News
House Republican Budget Leaders say they will begin work on the next state spending plan without including about $164 million dollars found in the Governor’s budget proposal. Of that, $46 million is projected new tax revenue and savings resulting from Medicaid...