HMO membership drops

We’ve learned that more and more Missouri workers have healthcare coverage these days. And many of those newly-insured are not covered by health maintenance organizations. They are being covered by preferred provider organizations. Randy McConnell of the...

Ashcroft explains new HMO stance

Senator John Ashcroft denies his support of a recent compromise on health care reform is an “election-year conversion.” Ashcroft has voted against such measures in the past. He now supports a revised version of the Norwood-Dingell bill that has been...

Carnahan bashes Ashcroft switch

Governor Carnahan seems unimpressed with Senator John Ashcroft’s new-found support for HMO reform. Ashcroft voted for a republican alternative to the bill that Carnahan supports. Ashcroft defends his position, saying the earlier compromise would have opened...

Business lobby cool to HMO reform

A compromise on health care legislation is being discussed in Washington, but it hasn’t won over a critic in Missouri. Associated Industries of Missouri still stands opposed. AIM President Chris Long says the group remains opposed, because the bill still allows...

Ashcroft agrees to HMO reform

Just one month before the most important election of his political life, Senator John Ashcroft has changed his position HMO reform. He has agreed to support a compromise managed care bill that he had previously opposed. Ashcroft says the bill protects more than 1...