by Mike Lear | Jul 1, 2013 | News
The Revenue Department can no longer scan personal documents from applicants for drivers’ and non-driver’s licenses, under a bill signed into law by Governor Jay Nixon. Senate Bill 252 also orders the Department to by the end of this year purge its...
by Mike Lear | Jun 25, 2013 | Military, News
The Army has announced Force Structure Realignment 2020, a plan to restructure its forces and cut uniformed and civilian personnel around the country. It includes the elimination of up to 885 positions at Fort Leonard Wood by 2019. That would include the inactivation...
by Mike Lear | Jun 11, 2013 | News
Governor Jay Nixon (D) wants his veto of a proposed cut to Missouri’s corporate and individual income taxes to stand, and he’s taken that message to the state’s higher education leaders. “Members of the General Assembly can either support House...
by Mike Lear | Jun 3, 2013 | News
Governor Jay Nixon has vetoed legislation that would have barred the use of foreign laws, including Islamic Sharia law, in Missouri courts. Nixon says barring the consideration of foreign laws in Missouri could have interfered with the adoption by Missouri parents of...
by Mike Lear | May 24, 2013 | News
Some of the money in a budget bill sitting on the Governor’s desk could help advance the creation of a new lake in north-central Missouri. The East Locust Creek Water Reservoir Project has been ongoing for many years. It would create a 2,300 acre, 7 mile long...