by admin | Oct 18, 2000 | Politics / Govt
St. Louis hosted the third and final Presidential debate, a contest cloaked in mourning for Governor Mel Carnahan. Debate number three began with host Jim Lehrer calling for a moment of silence following the tragic deaths of Governor Carnahan, his son, and the...
by admin | Oct 16, 2000 | News
Expect more visits to Missouri by the national political party tickets. Missouri Democratic Party Executive Director Roy Temple predicts both the Gore/Lieberman and Bush/Cheney tickets will visit the state often in the waning weeks of this campaign. While he admits he...
by admin | Oct 11, 2000 | Politics / Govt
An M.U. communications professor and debate expert expects the two presidential candidates to stick to the issues in the next two debates. Dr. Mitchell McKinney says that’s what the swing voters are looking for, not personalities or on-camera appearance....
by admin | Oct 10, 2000 | News
George W. Bush is joining the fight to keep Missouri river levels the same. He joined the Missouri Farm Bureau last week in Marion, Illinois, to oppose a Corps of Engineers plan for a “spring rise” on the Missouri. Bush says President Clinton...
by admin | Sep 22, 2000 | Politics / Govt
Texas Governor George W. Bush discussed his favorite topics before a largely friendly audience in Kansas City. He hit on cutting taxes, improving education and the military, and shoring social security and Medicare. After his speech, he took questions from the 500 or...