by admin | Jul 6, 2009 | Transportation
The Missouri Water Patrol reports three people died on Missouri waterways over the holiday weekend. Ashley Gustafson, age 16, of Hollister, died early this morning after being pulled out of four feet of water at Table Rock Lake Sunday....
by admin | Jul 1, 2009 | Crime / Courts
Repeat alcohol offenders will have to get ignition interlock devices installed in their cars as a new law goes into effect today. Ignition interlock devices require a driver to blow an alcohol-free sample into a device in order to start the car. The Department of...
by admin | May 17, 2009 | Health / Medicine
The annual KidsCount report is out. It provides county-by-county data on the health and wellbeing of Missouri’schildren. While child abuseand neglect cases in Missouriare down from last year, high school dropout rates are higher. The Kids Countreport compares...
by admin | Apr 30, 2008 | Politics / Govt
State lawmakers are attempting to close a loophole that has allowed persistent drunk drivers to avoid harsh sentences. Lawmakers thought they had approved harsh treatment of drivers convicted of their third DWI, but the State Supreme Court ruled that a county or city...
by admin | Feb 26, 2008 | Politics / Govt
All those white crosses and other makeshift memorials to the victims of drunk drivers along our roadsides would be replaced by memorials erected by the Missouri Department of Transportation under a bill barely squeezing by in the House. A program to erect memorials to...