Fewer deer were bagged by young hunters during the second half of Missouri’s youth firearm season compared to the same period a year ago. Part two of youth firearm season took place from Black Friday, Nov. 29th, through Sunday, Dec. 1st, during which hunters...
There are plenty of opportunities for hunters wanting to go out and snag a deer, whether it is with a bow and arrow or with a firearm. What do you do if you have too much venison left over? Wildlife Biologist Jason Isabelle tells Anthony Morabith that you can donate...
It was a good weekend for deer hunters in Missouri. The Missouri Department of Conservation said in a press release that 90,334 deer were harvested Saturday and Sunday, the opening weekend of November’s firearm deer season. That number is less than last year’s opening...
Archery season for deer and turkey, and turkey firearms season is underway. Hunters are reminded of the procedures they need to follow before and after harvesting game, according to the Missouri Department of Conservation. Prior to hunting, you must have your permits,...