by [email protected] | Apr 13, 2011 | Politics / Govt
The senate’s plan for eight new congressional districts has been approved, but not without some ruffled feathers. Opposition to the House version of the new map stalled the process Tuesday. But right after the senate’s afternoon session began yesterday,...
by admin | Jan 17, 2010 | News
April 1st is the day Americans will be called on to count themselves in and the effort to inform us of the importance of filling out and returning the 2010 U.S. Census forms is already in full swing. But a greater effort has been launched to reach a group of people...
by admin | Jan 13, 2010 | Politics / Govt
State officials involved in the 2010 U.S. Census count are spreading the good word that the latest projections from the U.S. Census Bureau indicate Missouri will likely hold onto all nine of its Congressional seats. But those same officials caution Missouri will hold...
by admin | Jun 28, 2007 | Politics / Govt
New census figures show St. Louis urban sprawl is growing rapidly, but nowhere faster than the city of Wentzville. Wentzville ended the 20th century with 7,000 people. The census bureau says the population is now almost 21,000. But other cities in...
by admin | Aug 15, 2006 | News
The Census Bureau says Missouri has 28 percent more immigrants living in it than it had when the 2000 Census was taken. That’s the 13th largest increase among all the states. The Census Bureau says 194,000 immigrants have moved here in the last five years. It...