by admin | Dec 25, 2008 | Politics / Govt
An audit of the Attorney General’s Office’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit finds internal controls, procedures, and the keeping of records must be improved. According to the audit there is no initial record of the receipt of monies, a summary of accrued costs...
by admin | Jul 16, 2008 | Politics / Govt
Sloppy bookkeeping seems to be at the heart of criticism contained in a state audit of the Missouri Department of Agriculture. The audit finds that the department didn’t keep enough documentation, that it disbursed grant funds in a hurried fashion and it failed...
by admin | Feb 21, 2008 | Politics / Govt
An audit of the Governor’s Office focuses primarily on transportation issues and how the Missouri law regarding the use of state vehicles is unclear and potentially conflicting. State Auditor Susan Montee says a 2005 law allows for transportation and security...
by admin | Dec 5, 2007 | Crime / Courts
The lawsuit brought against MOHELA – the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority – over access to closed records has been dismissed. The suit had been filed by State Auditor Susan Montee (D-MO), who wanted the information to determine whether the MOHELA...
by admin | Dec 5, 2007 | Politics / Govt
State Auditor Susan Montee has refused to audit records of Attorney General Jay Nixon’s use of a state car for personal and political purposes. The request had come from Office of Administration Director Michael Keathley. Montee says the Governor, himself, has...