by admin | Apr 8, 2000 | News
Attitudes about drinking on college campuses have been changing over the past decade…the “Animal House” atmosphere that once pervaded many campuses is no longer tolerated. One of the people responsible for the change in attitude at the University of...
by admin | Mar 21, 2000 | News
Doc Otis’s Hard Lemon Flavored Malt Beverage is the newest product to be produced by Anheuser-Busch. The company will introduce its lemon-flavored beer May first. The brewery says it tastes like lemonade with a kick. Anheuser-Busch says it is making the move...
by admin | Mar 15, 2000 | News
The state Senate tentatively approves a bill making it easier to be considered drunk while driving. The bill lowers the blood-alcohol level to point oh-eight. The present level is point-one-oh. Florissant Senator John Schneider made one change, though–saying a...
by admin | Mar 13, 2000 | News
A state appeals court today upheld a lower court decision that an Internet beer distributor in North Carolina violated Missouri law by selling and delivering beer to a minor. The attorney general’s office says the appeals court rejected arguments from Beer Nuts...
by admin | Mar 7, 2000 | News
Some new warning signs for places that sell alcoholic beverages have been approved by the state senate. Senator Mary Goves Bland of Kansas City wants 11-by-14 inch signs posted, with a message for pregnant women. The bill has been sent to the house for its approval....