Good Quarter Goes Bad for TWA

A revenue increase of almost six percent in the first quarter of the year for TWA has been wiped out–and more–by higher fuel prices. TWA says it lost almost 104-million dollars in the first three months of the year. That’s about three times the loss...

Airport Employee Turnover

People who use Lambert-St. Louis Airport a lot do not see many friendly faces at the security checkpoints. It’s not that people who work there are not friendly, it’s just that they don’t stick around very long. A federal study shows Lambert has the...

Old House Blocks Airport Expansion

The latest obstacle to a new airport development near Hillsboro is an old house. Archaeologists say a modern exterior covers a well-preserved log cabin that might date to 18-20. And they say construction of the new airport might disturb human burials and indian...

Senators urge Vanguard expansion

Senators Ashcroft and Bond are urging the federal transportation department to let Vanguard Airlines serve Washington, D.C. Ashcroft says he, Bond and the two Senators from Kansas, have asked transportation secretary Rodney Slater to give landing rights at Washington...