by admin | Apr 5, 2011 | Politics / Govt
More maps have surfaced as suggestions for redrawing our Congressional districts, but they share similar characteristics. State lawmakers must redraw Congressional districts after every Census, but this year is different. “I mean, listen, if we had nine districts, we...
by Jessica Machetta | Apr 4, 2011 | Politics / Govt
The Senate version of the proposed map of Congressional Districts in Missouri looks similar to the map released by a House committee last week including an awkward fifth district that links inner city Kansas City with rural Saline County, in central Missouri. The...
by [email protected] | Mar 30, 2011 | Politics / Govt
Although the House has drawn its version of eight new congressional districts, the senate committee is still working on its version. Senate redistricting chairman Scott Rupp expects to have a map within a few days–perhaps next week. He says the senate map is...
by [email protected] | Mar 24, 2011 | News
It’s probably out in a field—37 degrees, 31 minutes, 3.12 seconds North latitude; 92 degrees, 10 minutes, 23.15 seconds west longitude, the new population center of the United States. That means that if everybody in the United States weighed the same and...
by Jessica Machetta | Feb 25, 2011 | Politics / Govt
The census bureau says our two biggest cities are going in different directions. Kansas City remains Missour’s biggest city with almost 460,000 people, about 4 percent more than it had ten years ago. Kansas City officials had been hoping for more. So had...