Floodwaters along the Mississippi River keep the pressure on battered levees, with tension rising...
As Mississippi River begins to fall, concern about levees remains high
The Mississippi River is falling along most parts of northeast Missouri, but another levee has...
Levee in St. Charles County breaks
A levee in north St. Charles County broke early this morning. Volunteers and Missouri National...
Mississippi River is beginning to recede, slowly
Northeast Missouri is finally getting some relief as the floodwaters begin to back off. Dave Busee...
Waiting game playing out in northeast Missouri
A tense waiting game is being played out in northeast Missouri. The Mississippi River, swollen...
Northeast Missouri residents battle rising river levels
Northeast Missouri remains a battleground: residents versus the river. Sandbagging continues...
Clarksville battles to keep floodwaters at bay
Clarksville is battling for its life. The small community located on the Mississippi River between...
Flood relief work intensifies along Mississippi River
About 500 Missouri National Guardsmen are now at work along the Mississippi River, helpling with...
Storms, small dams, and possible problems
Months of heavy rainfall could be causing problems for the hundreds of Missouri dams that have...
Kinder: State officials in constant contact with local authorities in flooded areas
The swollen Mississippi River is causing big problems in northeast Missouri, with several...
Clarksville threatened by Mississippi River
Water contaminated by sewage is surrounding buildings in the community of Clarksville, a small...
Disasters piling up: two years of misery
If 2008 seems to have been a year of rolling disasters---ice, snow, rain, tornadoes, and...
Lt. Gov. Kinder mobilizes National Guard to deal with flooding
Fear of flooding has prompted Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R-MO) to mobilize 165...
State stockpiles sandbags
The state emergency management agency has rounded up more than 900-thousand sandbags for...
Yes … there has been an increase in tornadic activity this year
It appears to many Missourians that this and other Midwestern states have been particularly hard...
Federal officials grant fourth disaster declaration for state
Federal officials have granted Missouri's request to declare three southwest Missouri counties...
Voter photo-ID fails again
A late court ruling, a jumble of other legislation needing to pass, the reluctance of some...
Federal officials tour disaster-struck counties
An area smacked hard by as many as three tornadoes this past weekend has the attention of not only...
Tornado touches down in Shelby County
A severe thunderstorm appears to have produced several funnel clouds in the Shelby and Monroe...
Federal and state officials tour tornado-stricken areas of SW Missouri
U.S. Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff and FEMA Administrator David Paulison join...
Storms claim 16th victim; relief ongoing
The massive tornado that roared through southwest Missouri Saturday evening has now claimed a 16th...
Tornadoes, winds kill 15 in southwest Missouri
The death toll could rise in southwest Missouri and parts of Oklahoma and Kansas hit by...
Tornadoes kill at least 12 in SW Missouri
At least 12 people are dead after tornadoes touched down near Seneca in southwest Missouri. The 12...
Tornado tears through Ava in southwest Missouri
A tornado tore through the southwest town of Ava this morning, damaging buildings, even the...
Blunt keeping track of damaging storms
Parts of Missouri are dealing with the devastation from severe weather that has blasted parts of...
Severe weather hits Missouri
Severe weather is moving west-to-east across Missouri, bringing some flooding and property damage...
New Bombardier bid offered
The state's effort to get a major aircraft manufacturer to build a factory is being scaled back by...
More flooding puts Missouri "relief" on hold
While "relief" has been the main focus for much of Missouri following the flooding of...
Keeping other states from taxing Missourians
The state senate is trying to curtail the latest Missouri-Kansas border war by correcting a tax...
Immigration reform advances in senate
An attack on illegal immigration has been moved toward passage by the state senate....