The Missouri House has passed a proposal to require parents receiving food stamps to comply with...
Missouri audit finds millions in potential errors of unemployment insurance benefits
State Auditor Nicole Galloway, D, says changes to Missouri’s Unemployment Insurance system used...
Measure passed by the Missouri Senate addresses industrial waste from coal power plants
The Missouri Senate has passed a measure that would allow the state to enact regulations on one of...
Hawley investigates if Facebook knows and shares too much about its users, Android consumers
Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley has launched an investigation into Facebook’s sharing and...
Missouri law professor says argument to repeal 2nd Amendment valid, but not realistic
It's been five days since the most recent mass shooting at a high school took the lives of 10...
Political expert thinks Republicans are smart to link President Trump to Missouri Senate race
Despite approval ratings that seldom break 40% nationally, Republicans are banking on President...
Missouri’s McCaskill: pharmaceutical industry “took a $50 billion windfall” from tax cut bill (AUDIO)
Missouri's senior senator is defending her vote against the federal tax cut bill. U.S. Sen. Claire...
Missouri Senate leaders concerned over massive tax plan racing through chamber
Missouri Senate leaders have expressed concern over a far-reaching tax bill that received its...
Missouri’s Hawley to announce new investigation involving a major tech company on Monday
Missouri's Attorney General has called a Monday news conference in Jefferson City, to announce a...
Lots of wrangling before Missouri House stripped funding for sobriety checkpoints
A decision by the Missouri House to defund law enforcement sobriety checkpoints has been met with...
Greitens gets aggressive with ad as legal challenges close in
Missouri Governor Eric Greitens has stepped up his rhetoric amid felony charges and several...
Missouri Senate gives quick initial approval of sweeping tax plan
The Missouri Senate has given initial approval to a far-reaching tax plan which would cut rates of...
Missouri officer hits the ground running to honor fallen first responders
A Blue Springs police officer is fighting the rain and the blisters on his feet – all in the name...
Missouri House gives initial approval to a state budget plan
The Missouri House has given initial approval to a state budget that would be implemented in July....
Agreement between schools and legislature to boost funding for higher education
The Missouri House announced an agreement Tuesday to restore funding to higher education in the...
Budget moving to House floor restores some funding for MoDOT
The Budget being debated Tuesday in the Missouri House includes $82 million in additional funding...
House committee considers bill with consequences for racial profiling by police
Missouri lawmakers are looking at a bill to curb discriminatory policing among law enforcement...
Judge rejects request by Greitens’ legal team to dismiss felony case
Attorneys representing Missouri Governor Eric Greitens in a felony invasion of privacy case struck...
Hawley ad links McCaskill to Clinton ripping Trump voters
Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley’s U.S. Senate campaign is featuring a paid website ad...
Greitens trial will be decided by a jury, not a judge
Governor Eric Greitens’ felony invasion of privacy case will be up to a St. Louis jury to resolve....
Missouri lawmakers set to begin hammering out a budget plan
The Missouri legislature is beginning to examine the state budget, having just completed its...
Southwest Missouri “March For Our Lives” draws thousands
Over 800 cities participated across the nation with at least seven scheduled for Missouri....
Missouri Senate bill would phase out most electronic voting machines
Missouri could largely reduce the number of electronic voting machines it uses at election polls...
Eight Missouri cities join in worldwide marches against gun violence in schools
More than 800 marches tomorrow across the country and world, including eight in Missouri, will...
Missouri Attorney General calls on those subpoenaed to cooperate in Greitens investigation
Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley held an “update” Friday morning on his office’s...
Ex-husband of woman involved with Greitens seeks protection from the governor
The ex-husband of the woman Governor Eric Greitens had an affair with has filed a motion for a...
McCaskill says metal tariffs will hurt Missouri’s manufacturing and agriculture industries
President Trump’s order begins today that places taxes on steel and aluminum shipped into the U.S....
Missouri Congresswoman on Russia’s Twitter trolling: America needs to wake up
West-Central Missouri Republican Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler says Russia is exploiting U.S....
State auditor, southwest Missouri county commission continue to spar over investigation
The state auditor and elected leaders in a southwest Missouri county have revived their feud over...
Governor Greitens’ trial dates won’t be moved up
A judge has denied a request by Governor Eric Greitens’ defense team to have his felony trial...