Those recent troubles experiences by the Republican Party don't seem to bother the Co-Chairman of...
Holden Signs 2002 Fiscal Year Budget
Governor Bob Holden has signed the state $19.3-billion operating budget for the 2002 Fiscal Year....
Carnahan Cautions California Energy Crunch Could Happen Here
When Californians deregulated their energy industry, control over prices fell to the Federal...
Missouri’s New Insurance Boss Seeks New Direction For Department
The new Director of the Department of Insurance wants to see the department going in a new...
Holden Still Hedging On MU Arena
Governor Bob Holden is still silent on whether he will sign a bill authorizing the state to issue...
Congress Comes To Columbia
It's not often that Congressional hearings are held outside Washington, D.C. But one is being held...
Panel Focuses On State Redistricting
State lawmakers this session re-drew Congressional districts in line with new census figures. Now,...
Republicans Narrowing The Field For Senate Race
Missouri Republicans are losing no time preparing for next year's race for the U.S. Senate seat...
Governor Signing .08 Legislation In Springfield
Legislation lowering the legal blood alcohol limit for driving becomes law on Tuesday with...
Lieutenant Governor Fills In For Governor At Bill Signing
Several bills passed during the recent session of the Legislature have been signed into law - not...
Bond Promises To Push Agenda Despite Change In Senate
Democrats are now officially in control of the U.S. Senate, but Republicans are not about to...
Missouri Republicans Optimistic About 2000 Senate Race
The decision by such name Republicans as Congressman Kenny Hulshof and Congresswoman Jo Ann...
Holden Pleased With Visit To Mexico
Governor Bob Holden is in the midst of a four-day economic development visit to Mexico. And, he...
Republican Race For Senate Seat Wide Open
The decision by northeast Missouri Congressman Kenny Hulshof to say no to an opportunity to seek...
Hulshof Rejects Run For Senate
Northeast Missouri Congressman Kenny Hulshof has anounced he will not go after the Republican...
State Lawmaker Looks To Ease Missouri’s Financial Crunch
A state representative believes state government has overlooked a way to ease its financial...
Special Task Force Readies To Tackle Prescription Drug Issue
A special task force is being put together to look at the prescription drug issue in Missouri....
Plea For Opening Of Lewis County Casino To Be Put On Hold
A heated feud between some city officials in LaGrange and some of Lewis County's law enforcement...
Racial Profiling Report: Blacks More Likely To Be Pulled Over
Black drivers are 30 percent more likely to be stopped by law enforcement than are white drivers....
Petition Campaign For Tobacco Money Goes Up In Smoke
A petition campaign to create constitutional standards for the spending of money Missouri's share...
Kimmswick Maintains Fight Against Casino
The Jefferson County town of Kimmswick maintains its unrelenting fight against location of a...
Holden Claims Responsibility For Million Dollar Inauguration
Governor Bob Holden has admitted he spent too much on his January inauguration. The bill topped...
Bond And Carnahan Vote For Bush Tax Cut Package
Missouri's two United States Senators have voted in favor of the Bush Administration's...
Bond Fears More Gridlock With Possible Senate Power Shift
The reported decision by Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont to bolt the Republican Party to sit as an...
Blunt Laments Death Of Election Reform Law – Looks Ahead To Next Session
The just concluded session of the General Assembly came to an end without passage of an election...
Support From Missouri’s Congressional Delegation For Resumption Of Surveillance Flights
U.S. surveillance flights off the coast of China have resumed and the decision to re-start those...
Confirmation Hearings Further Strain Already Strained Relationship At Capitol
A relationship already strained is strained further as Governor Bob Holden and Senate Leader Peter...
Judge Okays Holden Redistricting Appointments
The Republicans-versus-Democrats battle over the makeup of the commissions redrawing Missouri's...
Redistricting Battle Moves To The Courtroom
The controversy over the makeup of the commissions that will redraw Missouri's political...
Republicans Caught In Contribution Disclosure Flap
House Republicans are downplaying a $12,000 fine levied against them by the State Ethics...