Advocates for Amendment Four on the ballot Tuesday say the concept is simple, even if the ballot...
Push Being Made for Nursing Home Reform
The state's advocate for senior citizens says they need to launch a petition drive to enact...
First Radio Ad for Hanson is Paid for by Opponent
One of the few radio commercials for the state auditor's race is being aired in Springfield and,...
State Employees Cautioned About Elections
Office of Administration Commissioner Jackie White says state employees are allowed to campaign...
State Auditor Frustrated by Odd Campaign
One of Missouri's most visible politicians is running against a near-phantom this year. State...
Proponent of Cigarette Tax Counters Criticism
A spokesman for the group pushing the 55-cent a pack cigarette tax to be decided by voters next...
Senate Candidate Mourns Death Of Father
U.S. Senate candidate Jim Talent has scaled back campaign activities following the death of his...
Several Issues Confront Voters Next Tuesday
Four constitutional amendments and one proposition will be decided statewide November 5th. In...
Opponents of Cigarette Tax Speak Out
With just over a week to go before Election Day, the group Missourians Against Unfair Taxes is...
Auditor Eyes Higher Office – But Not Now
State Auditor Claire McCaskill admits she has her eye on something higher - the governor's Office...
Compromise Worked Out On Issue Of Provisional Ballots
A courtroom compromise has cleared the use of provisionary ballots in next month's election. The...
All Candidates’ Debate Wraps Up Head-To-Head Confrontations For Senate Race
The second and final debate in the race for Missouri's U.S. Senate seat is now history. Billed as...
MoDOT Demotes Two Senior Officers
Two senior officers at the Missouri Department of Transportation are being demoted because of...
Missouri Jobless Rate Falls
Missouri's unemployment rate drops two-tenths of a percentage point for September, down to...
National Political Figures Flock To Missouri To Campaign
From Massachusetts to Montana, political figures have been coming to Missouri - all in hopes of...
Committee Formed To Study After-School Programs
A group of state lawmakers has come together to conduct an analysis of the quantity and quality of...
Dems To Comply With AARP Request To Stop Using Group’s Logo In Campaign
Missouri Democrats say they will comply with the AARP request to quit using its logo in their...
Emergency Workers Look Ahead To Vote On Collective Bargaining Rights
Certain emergency workers could get collective bargaining rights if Amendment Two passes on the...
Carnahan And Talent Square Off In St. Louis
Missouri's top candidates for the US Senate squared off in the only true debate the two will have...
Nixon Calls For "No Spam" Law Modeled On "No Call" List
The success of the state's "no call" telephone solicitation list has prompted Attorney General Jay...
Carnahan-Talent Set To Debate
After weeks of long-distance posturing, our two major U.S. Senate candidates go head to head in a...
Ethics Commission Dismisses One Complaint Against Talent
The Missouri Ethics Commision has dismissed a complaint filed against Missouri Renewal and the...
President Bush Visits Missouri
A busy day of campaigning for President Bush includes a stop in Springfield to stump for...
Ethics Commission Votes To Loosen Campaign Secrecy Rules
The State Ethics Commission has decided to be a little bit less secretive about campaign ethics...
All Missouri Set To Vote On Issue Governing St. Louis City
One of the issues you'll be voting on next month involves added authority for the City of St....
Blunt Moves To Have New Election Laws Take Effect In Time For This Year’s Vote
Missouri's chief election official has filed emergency rulemaking so the new state election law...
Carnahan Sets Fundraising Record In Run For Senate
Nobody has ever raised as much money in Missouri to run for the United States Senate as Jean...
Project Vote Smart Running Into Roadblocks Collecting Information
A nonpartisan organization that collects information about political candidates reports a large...
New Organization Established To Represent State Workers
A new organization representing state workers has been set up. The Missouri Association of State...
Issue Ads Playing Important Role In Political Races
"Call Jim Talent" ... "Call Jean Carnahan" You've heard those "call to action" lines at the end of...