A popular Columbia diner is crediting the generosity of mid-Missourians for helping them feed...
(VIDEO) Summary of today’s press briefing about coronavirus in Missouri
Gov. Mike Parson announced today that more than 1,300 people have tested positive for the...
Overcrowding problems force Missouri to temporarily close some state parks
To address overcrowding problems over the weekend, Missouri is temporarily closing four state...
(VIDEO) Key takeaways from today’s press briefing about COVID-19 in Missouri
The latest state data released today shows at least 1031 people have tested positive in Missouri...
La-Z-Boy lays off 800 southwest Missouri workers
Missourinet affiliate KZRG in Joplin reports La-Z-Boy has temporarily closed all manufacturing...
Missouri GOP Congressman: COVID-19 outbreak is unlike anything we’ve ever seen (AUDIO)
A northern Missouri congressman who's a dean in the state's congressional delegation says the $2...
Parson says fallout of coronavirus means tough Missouri budget cuts ahead
Many Missouri businesses temporarily closing to limit the spread of the coronavirus has left...
Hawley calls for surge of personal protective equipment into Missouri hospitals
A U.S. Senator from Missouri who serves on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs...
Missouri now has 903 confirmed COVID-19 cases
Missouri health officials have announced that there are now 903 confirmed coronavirus cases in...
At least 838 people test positive for COVID-19 in Missouri – 168 case jump from Friday
On March 7, the state announced its first case of the coronavirus. Today, the latest data verified...
COVID-19 testing available for Missouri first responders, health care workers WITH symptoms
From DHSS press release The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is expediting...
Latest COVID-19 count in Missouri: at least 10 dead, 670 people test positive
A resident of a Springfield assisted living center in southwest Missouri is the state's 10th...
Missouri U.S. House members weigh in on stimulus package signed into law
President Donald Trump has signed into law a coronavirus stimulus plan. Under the plan passed...
Parson mobilizes National Guard in Missouri’s fight against coronavirus
Gov. Mike Parson has signed an executive order to begin having Missouri National Guard members aid...
Missouri grocers working with attorney general to prevent gouging during pandemic (AUDIO)
Missouri's attorney general is teaming up with the Missouri Grocers Association (MGA), to protect...
Parson: Missouri Capitol is receiving a deep-cleaning, due to COVID-19
Missouri's governor says the State Capitol in Jefferson City is being cleaned extensively daily,...
Highlights from today’s press briefing about COVID-19 in Missouri
At least 502 people in Missouri have tested positive for the coronavirus, compared to yesterday’s...
Parson expects more cases of coronavirus could pop up in Missouri prisons
Last week, the state Department of Corrections reported an inmate at the St. Joseph prison in...
(AUDIO) Governor answers several burning questions about Missouri’s response to COVID-19
Gov. Mike Parson visited with Missourinet today about the state's response efforts to COVID-19....
BREAKING: U.S. Senate approves $2 trillion stimulus package; Missouri’s Blunt pleased with bill (AUDIO)
(The story has been updated to include the vote count ... Brian) In a historic vote, the U.S....
In one week, Missouri receives nearly 30% of total unemployment claims filed in 2019
The number of Missourians filing for unemployment has escalated this month. During a Capitol press...
COVID-19 count in Missouri: at least 8 deaths, 356 infected people
The latest Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services data shows at least eight people have...
Parson opposes classifying grocery, pharmacy workers as emergency first responders
Missouri's largest union is calling on the governor to classify all grocery and pharmacy employees...
Trump wants U.S. reopened by Easter; Parson says Missouri will deal with COVID-19 for some time
President Donald Trump says he would love to have the U.S. reopened by Easter on April 12. Health...
Mark Twain National Forest changes operations, some sites shut down, trails and boat launches open (Detailed press release)
Mark Twain National Forest in a press release, issued operations changes for the safety of...
Parson requests federal major disaster declaration for Missouri COVID-19 response
Gov. Mike Parson has requested that President Donald Trump approve a major disaster declaration...
(AUDIO) Missouri school district feeds kids, then their minds
New Madrid County R-1 School District in southeast Missouri has a small village of about 35...
Missouri Senator Hawley hopeful that stimulus package will pass soon (AUDIO)
Missouri's junior senator is hopeful that a bipartisan agreement can be reached soon on a $2...
BREAKING: Two more coronavirus related deaths at Springfield assisted living center
Two more residents of an assisted-living center in southwest Missouri’s Springfield have died from...
Washington University works to develop COVID-19 treatment
Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis might have a treatment for the coronavirus. If...