A seasonal slump in blood donations has Red Cross officials in St. Louis worried. They say blood...
Health Officials Concerned About Missourians’ Weight Gains
Our weight is starting to concern public health officials, who hope to call Missourians to more...
Former Missouri Senators Come Out In Support Of Cloning Stem Cells
Two of Missouri's former United States Senators, both of whom oppose abortion, say they support...
Sign-Up Deadline For Senior Drug Program Approaches
This is the deadline for Missouri's low-income elderly to sign up for the new SeniorRX program....
GOP Senate Candidate Promotes Health Care Proposal
Republican Senate Candidate Jim Talent says if he's elected he'll work to extend health care...
Patent For MU Raises Concerns
A patent given the University of Missouri is raising some eyebrows among those wary of human...
Health Department Study Shows Missourians Are Fat … And Getting Fatter
The State Health Department says half of Missourians are overweight and more than 20 percent of us...
Bond Promotes Legislative Effort To Increase Number Of Insured
Senator Christopher Bond is promoting an effort in the U.S. Senate to help the "employed but...
Group Proposing Cigarette Tax Completes Signature Drive
The group collecting signatures to put a 55-cent-per-pack cigarette tax on the November ballot...
Bond Calls On HHS To Investigate Pharmacy Regulations
Senator Bond wants the federal Health and Human Services Department to investigate the case of...
Meningitis Strikes Again At Fort Leonard Wood
Another case of meningitis has turned up at Fort Leonard Wood in South Central Missouri. It's the...
Meningitis Outbreak Moves Special Olympics From Fort Leonard Wood
The Special Olympics, which have been held in May at Fort Leonard Wood for 26 years, will not be...
Fourth Menengitis Case Identified At Fort Leonard Wood
Another case of menengitis has been discovered at Fort Leonard Wood in central Missouri. It's the...
House Votes To Extend Health Insurance Program For Children
A state run health insurance program for children would be extended for five years under a bill...
Concerns Expressed Over Doe Run Buy-Out
Some frustration is being expressed as the second phase of the Doe Run Company buy-out in...
Doe Run Settlement Expected To Cost $11-Million
A buy-out plan for families living around the lead smelter in Herculaneum could cost the Doe Run...
Researchers In St. Louis Study Osteoporosis In Children
Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis are conducting a study on osteoporosis in...
Secretary Apologizes For Conditions At K.C. V.A. Hospital
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs has apologized to Kansas City-area veterans for conditions found...
12-Year-Old Boy Dies At Fort Leonard Wood
A 12-year old boy has died at Fort Leonard Wood after showing signs he might have had meningitis....
SLU Researchers Release Details Of Study Stretching Smallpox Vaccine
Research at Saint Louis University has resulted in welcome news for those concerned about a...
Children’s Advocacy Group Calls For Changes In Mental Health Laws
Members of a group wanting a change in the state's laws regarding mental health services for...
Health Department Releases Consumer’s Hospital Guide
The State Health Department is out with its 2002 Consumer's Guide to Hospital Surgery Volume - a...
E-Coli Scare Prompts Meat Recall In Southwest Missouri
A southwest Missouri meat processing company has recalled about 2,800 pounds of ground beef...
Drug Prescription Enrollment For Seniors Begins
Governor Bob Holden and Lieutenant Governor Joe Maxwell have launched enrollment for the state's...
Doe Run Agreement Will Allow Homeowners To Leave Contaminated Area
160 homeowners living near the country's biggest lead smelter in Herculaneum will be offered a...
Contamination Warning For Water Issued In Jefferson County
Eighteen homeowners living hear an abandoned nuclear fuel plant in Jefferson County have been...
Bond Pushes For Herculaneum Health Study
Senator Bond is pushing for a study of the long-term effects of lead on children in Herculaneum,...
Coalition Aims To Put Cigarette Tax On November Ballot
Missourians will be asked in a few weeks to put a big cigarette tax increase on the November...
Springfield Exec In Running For Invention Of The Year
A Springfield health care executive has come up with one of the top five inventions of the year,...
Missouri Gets Good Grade On Tracking Health Problems
A national health advocacy organiation gives Missouri a "B" in tracking health problems that could...