Kemper Military Academy is striking the tent. Missouri's oldest military school, unable to pull...
Census Bureau Figures Show Missouri Lagging In School Spending
Census figures show 33 states spend more than Missouri does on each student in the public schools....
Southwest Missouri High School Graduates "Perfect" Graduate
Willard High School senior Lindsey Turner won't graduate as the valedictorian of her class but...
Holden Announces New Round Of Cuts
House rejection of his bid to dip into the Rainy Day Fund has resulted in further cuts from...
Missouri NEA Marks National Teacher Day Talking Funding For Schools
The Missouri National Education Association is marking National Teacher Day, today, in part by...
Governor Feeling Good About Legislature Meeting Budget Deadline
The deadline for a state budget for the next Fiscal Year is looming but Governor Bob Holden...
House Approves School Funding Package
Members of the House have agreed that $175-Million is needed to fully fund public schools and have...
Higher Education Officials Concerned About Further Cuts
Budget cuts to the state's public colleges and universities could strike the schools earlier than...
Budget Debate In House Stalled Over Education Spending
A $50-Million gap exists between the House and Senate versions of a bill expected to fully fund...
Carnahan Hits The Campaign Trail
The formal papers were filed some time ago, but Senator Jean Carnahan has now kicked off her...
Horse Racing Bill On Track As Legislature Heads For Stretch
Horse racing has surfaced as a big issue as the legislature enters the last month of the session....
Kansas City School District Wins Provisional Accreditation
The troubled Kansas City School District has been granted provisional accreditation by the State...
K.C. School District Close To Avoiding Takeover
Kansas City's school district might have avoided a state takeover. State Education Commissioner...
K.C. Teachers Linked To Strip Search Fired
Two Kansas City school teachers accused of strip-searching 23 third-graders have been fired. The...
More Fallout From K.C. School Strip Searches
Kansas City's school superintendent wants to fire a couple of teachers who conducted strip...
Business-Education Roundtable Holds First Meeting
The first meeting of the Missouri Business Education Roundtable has been held in Jefferson City....
Officials Investigate Strip Search At K.C. School
Reports that some third-graders have been strip searched have triggered an investigation by...
Plan To Fully Fund Education Moves Forward
An effort to increase gambling revenue and eliminate business tax incentives to raise enough money...
Governor Sets Up Business-Education Panel To Study School Problems
Governor Holden has signed an executive order creating the Missouri Business Education Roundtable....
House Approves Two Holden Education Measures
Governor Holden wins twice in the Missouri House as the body approves a measure crucial to his...
House Gambles On Education
Despite criticism that it relies to heavily on gambling revenue, a bill attempting to raise enough...
Missouri Chamber Of Commerce Releases Education Report
The Missouri Chamber of Commerce has released its Public Education Evaluation Report - the PEER...
Budget Woes Could Affect Summer School
Summer school could feel the effects of the state's budget problems. State Education Commissoner...
House Approves School Funding Formula Change
Despite concerns about perception, the Missouri House has overwhelmingly approved a change in the...
Missouri University Proposes Issuing Cell Phones To Students
Northwest Missouri State University is thinking of issuing cell phones to all of its students. A...
Lawmakers Study College Name Change
Missouri Southern State College in Joplin says its name is keeping it from being better. Missouri...
Effort Launched To Deal With Shortage Of School Principals
A special mentoring program is being proposed to alleviate a growing shortage of principals in...
State Money To Improve Math Teaching In Schools Blocked
Private and Parochial school interests in the State Senate are blocking an effort to provide more...
Department Of Higher Education Comes To Grips With Cuts
The Department of Higher Education accepts that the agency and the state's instutions of higher...
New Effort In Legislature To Push Bond Issues For Schools
Another push is being made in the state legislature to make it easier for school districts to get...